Birnenweg 11
CH-8590 Romanshorn


Real Estate Greece Xanthi

Xanthi is located in Thrace and is a city with about 55,000 inhabitants, situated about 70 kilometres northeast of Kavala. Xanthi was annexed by Greece only in 1912, and its population is predominantly Turkish, Greek and Pomak. The city's market is one of the largest in Greece, with a huge selection of vegetables and fruit, as well as honey, meat, fish, honey, olives, shoes, clothing, jewellery and toys. The traffic in Xanthi seems a bit oriental, but the city centre is well signposted and parking in the city centre is well signposted. The city has a university, a military court and a bishopric, and the well-preserved old town attracts many tourists. The market halls and the Mitropolis are also worth seeing. The annual Old Town Festival and the Xanthi Carnival are cultural highlights of the city.

What to look for when buying property in Xanthi

Tens of thousands of Germans are resident in Greece, and the preferred properties are as diverse as the country itself. In addition to traditional stone houses, prestigious villas or exclusive holiday flats are also available for purchase in Xanthi. Many of the properties in Xanthi are comfortably furnished, and the various types of construction leave nothing to be desired when buying. If you intend to buy a property in Xanthi, you should always hire a local real estate expert, because he or she is very familiar with all the regulations and obligations for the buyer when purchasing a property. Advice in Germany can also protect you from making mistakes when buying property in Xanthi.

The purchase contract

The purchase of a property in Xanthi is concluded by a notarised purchase contract. The property must be described exactly as the object of purchase, and the purchase price and its due date must be stated precisely. Even the rights of withdrawal and the contractual penalties in the event of a delay in payment or a withdrawal from the purchase contract must be precisely specified. The processing from the contract to the transfer of ownership in the land register must be described in detail in the purchase contract. Become. A lawyer is always required in Greece for the conclusion of the notarised purchase contract.

The Land Registry in Greece

A change of ownership in Xanthi is always associated with a registration at the relevant land registry office. The payment of the purchase price of the property in Xanthi always takes place directly with a transcript from the notary and is also noted in the notarial record. The payment of the land transfer tax is always a prerequisite for the transfer of ownership, which is usually carried out by the notary.

The property register in Xanthi

The land registry in Xanthi is run like the land registry in Germany. The Greek land registers are still partly kept according to persons and names, which is why the land register search is always carried out under the name of the potential owner. At the same time, a check is made for encumbrances, easements, legal disputes or other details important to the buyer.

The new regulations for buying real estate in Greece

When buying real estate in Xanthi, the buyer is obliged to have a lawyer present when the purchase contract is notarised, but only if the purchase price is higher than 8,000 euros. Since 01 January 2014, the Greek legal system no longer requires a lawyer, but it is always advisable to hire a lawyer, especially for the buyer, as he or she is familiar with all legal regulations. The lawyer not only carries out the sometimes difficult land register research, he also prepares the purchase contract for the purchase of the property in Xanthi. However, if there is a compulsory lawyer, then the necessary compulsory levies to the local bar associations must be derived for the involvement of a lawyer in the notarial purchase contract.

Real Estate Greece Xanthi