Birnenweg 11
CH-8590 Romanshorn


Real Estate Greece Peloponnese

Are you interested in buying a beautiful property in Greece on the Peloponnese? Perhaps you have already come to love this beautiful region as a holidaymaker and would now like to live there permanently or use a property as a holiday home? Real estate in Greece, such as in the Peloponnese, is currently very much in demand. Like you, many Germans are interested in it and investors are looking for real estate everywhere because other investments are in crisis. However, it is essential to find out in advance exactly what needs to be taken into account when buying a property in Greece. Mistakes can quickly cause stress and cost a lot of money.

Legal situation partly comparable with Germany - but only partly

Greece is, of course, an EU country and therefore the legal regulations for buying real estate in Greece often do not differ that much from the German regulations at first glance. First of all, Greece also has a civil code that is comparable to the German Civil Code. This is also where the regulations on the purchase of real estate in Greece are found. And in Greece, too, only the entry in the land register proves that a change of ownership has been legally executed. However, not every municipality in Greece has land registers that correspond to those in Germany. In many municipalities, land is still recorded in a register according to the name of the owner. This can mean that you first have to do extensive research to find out who really legally owns your property. It is true that a new law has been passed, according to which the German land register system is to be adopted step by step. However, this is still far from being the case everywhere. Therefore, you often cannot search for a land register with objects and parcels in a municipality. Without a regionally experienced Greek lawyer, you will often not be successful if you want to buy a property in the Peloponnese in Greece. Only an experienced lawyer can give you the legal certainty that everything will be done correctly and that you will be the new legal owner at the end of the day. When concluding a real estate transaction in Greece, a notarised contract of sale is also required in the Peloponnese. Here, too, an experienced local lawyer will give you the best tips, take care of it yourself or leave the process in good hands. You do not have to hire a lawyer because there is no obligation to do so. However, you should definitely not do without one. Knowledge of the Greek legal language alone makes this practically indispensable. Also, since 2011, there has been a new law in Greece that is supposed to combat the black constructions that were common in many places and certainly also in real estate in the Peloponnese in Greece. Therefore, when buying real estate in Greece, you need an official certificate that your future property has been built without illegal structures. Here, too, a lawyer is indispensable.

Don't buy property in Greece in the Peloponnese without a lawyer

All in all, the most important tip for buying real estate in the Peloponnese or in other regions is to hire a lawyer in Greece who knows the conditions of the local law in the Peloponnese and can advise you optimally.

Real Estate Greece Peloponnese