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Real estate auctions in Greece - the easy way to cheap property

The financial crisis in Greece brings with it many negative aspects and many a livelihood seems to be collapsing under the weight of the crisis. However, the effects of the financial crisis also offer various opportunities, for example for all those who are flirting with the purchase of a property in Greece. If you have been toying with the idea of buying a house in the midst of sun, wind and sea for some time, the conditions are now ideal.

The pressure to sell

Whether a simple house or a luxury property - every building costs money. In addition to operating costs for electricity, heating, water and sewage, there are ongoing costs for the maintenance of various building components. The Greek debt crisis is increasing the pressure on every single citizen. The reduction of state benefits, as well as the loss of many jobs, lead to situations in which property owners sooner or later find themselves confronted with a situation in which their own house can no longer be maintained.
As a result, countless buildings of various sizes, ages and conditions are currently for sale in Greece. As unfavourable as the situation is for the sellers due to the bad economic situation, the conditions could hardly be better for potential buyers.

The real estate auction as an opportunity

If all attempts to sell a property on the open market come to nothing, the only way to recover at least part of its value is often to auction it off. Often carried out by banks for seized properties, property auctions offer interested parties very good conditions to purchase a dream property at a favourable price and often even significantly below the actual property value. Although you as a buyer can hardly be sure in advance whether you will actually get the property, there are real bargains lurking here, especially on the Greek property market, which is saturated with offers. With a certain amount of preparation to avoid any unpleasant surprises during the auction process, the dream of owning your own property via an auction is quickly within reach.

What is the best way to overcome the hurdles of an auction in Greece?

Every country has its own peculiarities, including legal transactions of all kinds. Therefore, it goes without saying that certain requirements must be fulfilled and the legal framework must be adhered to at auctions. Since these things are hardly comprehensible for a layman who comes from a different country and culture, it is worthwhile to consult local experts. Ideally, you should either contact a Greek broker who will represent your interests at the auction or a Greek lawyer. On the one hand, he knows the local customs and on the other hand, he can handle the necessary legal transactions after a successful purchase.
Of course, you will not receive these services for nothing. In view of the favourable prices and the even lower equivalent values that are achieved at a property auction, these investments are always worthwhile. After all, what's the point of a bargain at the auction if you don't get your chance for formal reasons?

Conclusion - How to take your chance at a property auction in Greece

As at home, a property auction in Greece is of course a good way to buy a property quickly and cheaply. The good financing possibilities at home and the pressure to sell locally in Greece are ideal conditions for you to soon be able to call your dream property your own. Contacting a local lawyer will give you peace of mind when it comes to legal transactions in Greece. He will advise you and carry out legal transactions for you in a binding manner and in accordance with Greek customs. This way, you will be able to get a bargain at the auction of real estate in Greece safely and cheaply.

Real estate auctions in Greece - the easy way to cheap property